Oh, goodbye Spaghetti Factory. After 38 years at Ward's Warehouse (that long!) they are moving to Aloha Tower marketplace. Hopefully it'll be as atmospheric as this one is. |
The Tapenade appetizer. |
Veal Piccata Love the Mizithra pasta |
Chicken Parmigiana |
BLT Salad and Meatballs. Hopefully we can return before they leave. It is too bad Ward's Warehouse will be gone. We enjoyed the local boutiques and relaxed, local atmosphere. |
On a brighty note...a camillia from Janie's garden, looking a lot like the bashful rose in the Alice in Wonderland animation film. |
Desert Rose. This has powerful roots that will wrap themselves around rocks. The ashtray is an Arita Yaki, which I bought from an Arita Yaki specialty shop near our apartment in Akasaska 8-chome. |
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What better way to say Arrivederci to a friend than drinks and dinner at another restaurant that is leaving Ward's Warehouse! Kincaid's, leaving at the end of May, will be missed. |
Lovely Harbor views.
Hmm. Meat eaters, everyone! |
Wrap it up to go! Says Jay! |
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