Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Enjoying Hawaii

Saturday morning at Orchids.
Grandma would've been 100 this year.
She would be surprised to see the great Kiawe tree downed, but a new branch is bravely growing into a young tree.
Les giving one of his wonderful welcoming speeches to family and aunties.

Most opted for the American Breakfast, but the Japanese breakfast choice looked good too.

Uh oh.  Is that Penny?
Luckily she is very unobtrusive and quiet in restaurants.

Grandma would've enjoyed being with her family.

Sunn and Aunty Liz waiting for the car to be brought around by the  valets, many of whom were bringing around our cars with a friendly smile when Sunn's mom was still a student.

Heading towards the back of Diamond Head...

...to see the cactus garden at Kapiolani Community College.

Pink flowers?

Barrel cacti.
And a lizard cafefully making its way between the spines in search of lunch.

Weirdly pretty.

Take out Korean Barbecue meals are another  family get together tradition.

Sunn and family enjoyed the pool.
Come into the water Penny, Sunn calls enticingly, but water doesn't sit well with Penny.

Fearless Sunn! 
Yay Umi.  Note her colors.

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