Thursday, December 19, 2013

Restful Manoa SC. Little joys of walking a dog

R will be busy with meetings today so, of course, Penny and I headed to Manoa shopping center and Fendu for coffee and croissant.  Also picked up some sweet Kau oranges from the Farmer's Market.
Cranberry scone.  Luckily Penny's not interested.

Then we decided to walk around the block and  stopped awhile to listen to Manoa Stream next to Manoa SC.                               From Wikipedia: Mānoa stream begins at the base of Mānoa Falls and runs through the valley before joining Palolo stream to form the Manoa-Palolo drainage canal, which flows into the Ala Wai Canal. Floods caused by high rainfall have plagued the residents living along Mānoa stream. Most recent was on October 30, 2004 when Mānoa stream overflowed causing millions of dollars in damages to residential homes and University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa buildings.

We found this cute store on the corner and got some doggie treats.

At the photo corner Penny,  being a scent hound,  was more interested in who had been there before her.  Stubborn Penny!

Continuing our walk, Penny entered Manoa Valley Theater, which had a gaily decorated plumeria tree at the entrance.  We enjoy seeing plays there and used to go there often.

The little cemetery on the grounds of the Theater.

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